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Sunday, May 1, 2011

little mini tri before race weekend...and gearing up

Jordan Lake with all the People enjoying the beautiful weather.

The weather today was AMAZING!! Beautiful day out. I took Scout out to the dog park this morning and he really enjoyed his time running around with his doggy friends.

I met the girls out at Jordan Lake for a little swim (about 20 minutes worth) with our wetsuits. Then about an hour bike ride down to the end of Sharon Harris and back. Then a 20 minute run to work the kinks out of my legs (about 2 miles). I had a nice swim after we I got used to the cold water. The bike was tough but good. We had a bit of a head wind on the way out, I was trying really hard not to draft off my friends. My friend Ruth is an AMAZING bike rider. She is crazy fast, and whenever I ride with her I usually just sit on her tail and let her pull me around. So today my goal (and it was hard to accomplish) was to keep Ruth in my sights but not draft off her. I did pretty good on the way out. My legs are always fresher on the way out, and at the turn around Ruth took off and I couldn't catch her to save my life. Thank goodness on the way back the wind was at my back. It was so nice seeing so many cyclist out today. I finally did catch her towards the end, I had to go 29 mph to get back to her....didn't know I had that in my legs to make it happen. I ended up averaging 19.2 mph on my bike today over 21 miles. Once back I went out for a run and averaged 10:12 pace which is pretty decent for me.
After the run, my water bottle and shoes

Stretching (Pigeon). Not the easiest picture to take!
After the run I stretched and waited for the others to get back from their ride. Then we ended up getting some lunch. Yumm Lunch!! Home for a shower and walking Scout. Then back out for dinner at one of my athletes apartment. All of the swim coaches were invited. Her parents and brother and brother's friend were there was us, and we ate pizza, had cake, and lot's of good conversation! It was a great evening.

Next weekend is White Lake Sprint. I hope the weather is like it was today. If it is, then it should be a great race!

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