Me setting up my transition area.
Sunday morning I woke up a little early (5:45...our alarms were set for 6:30). After lying in bed doing my morning stretches for a little bit, D woke up in the bed beside me and decided she was up for the day too. It was beautiful morning, just a slight chill in the air but the promise of good weather. After going to the bathroom at least 4 times we met Jenn on the other side of the lodge and headed down to get body marked and our timing chips. Because I race in the Athena category (which is the "big girl" category) I got weighed in. The girl who was body marking me was using a pen that didn't work, she "accused" me of putting on sunscreen ahead of time (which makes body marking hard), however I hadn't. She ended up getting a new in BRAND NEW, and put giant numbers on my arms and legs.
We met up with Ruth and hung out for a bit before getting our wetsuits on for the swim. D, Jenn, and I hung out at the lodge outside on the balcony. We watched the crowd and just chit chatted. Our swim wave didn't start until 8:32, so we decided we wouldn't get in the water until 8:20, but I think we got in a little bit before that because we got a little antsy. We all swam a little bit to get our goggles adjusted and wetsuits adjusted, and ourselves feeling alright. As the green caps went off we moved up the "start line" edge of the pier. (The water is really shallow) It was 8 minutes between their start and our start. So we all just chattered (it was a little chilly in the water) and either let our nerves go, or get the better of ourselves. I moved towards the front of the line. I'm a decent swimmer and usually am at the front of the pack when I do open water swimming. The horn blew and off we went. I ended up drafting a little off the girl in front of me until it wasn't working for me anymore and I had to peel off. I saw two light blue caps in front me as I was sighting and swimming and I just kept going. A couple of times during the swim I got tapped on the my feet. I'm totally okay with someone drafting off me, but if you are going to do that, don't impede my progress....I ended up kicking a little harder to get them off my feet. I was so happy to see the dock, and ready to get out and move on to the bike. Donna helped me out of the water...and might of gotten a pic of me...but I'm not sure. 750 yd - SWIM TIME 15:36
I made it into T1 and it took me forever to take my wetsuit off and just get my head settled after getting out of the water. I was the first Athena out of the water, but I was not the first Athena out of T1 (transition 1 - from swim to bike). I saw her go as I was just taking my bike off the rack. T1 TIME 2:44
I got to the mount line (for the bike) and got on my bike and was ready to ride. I felt a little wobbly, but I grabbed a honey stinger chew and gobbled it down. Then I started pumping my legs trying to keep Athena girl in my sites. It was a little rough in some spots as I imagine some people don't like to passed by a girl, and a big girl to boot. As I passed some of the guys on the route, they decided they needed to come pass me back, which would of been fine except as soon as they passed me they sat up and took a drink or something/ which means they slowed down. Arrrggghhhhh!! After they finally got passed by me enough times they either went on and kept going, or they decided they didn't want to have to try and keep up with me. I did finally catch my Athena girl. I passed her, and after a little bit she passed me back. Then I heard a loud ON YOUR LEFT!! It kind of reminded me a of movie, but I'm not sure what movie it actually is. Anywho it turned out to be my Rock Star friend coming up to pass me on the bike. She passed me and the other Athena girl and was happy to keep it moving along. Then Athena girl passed her....blah blah blah....we were all riding trying to jockey for the same spot. Turned out that the Athena girl got back first, then the ROCK STAR, and then me. It was a good bike with a few little bumpity bumps in it. 14 mile BIKE RIDE TIME 41:07 (pace of 20.7 mph)
T2 was a little quicker for me, but I always dread going into the run. Running is just not my strongest suit. I got my bike shoes off and my running shoes on. I got my hat on and my race number on. Off I went. I did stop and got a drink of water on the way out of the chute. T2 TIME 1:52
The run wasn't so bad. I stuck to my 4 minute run, 1:20 walk. It worked out pretty well as my walks were where the water stops ended up being. I just kept going. I talked to people along the way. I made it fun. I'm not sure everyone appreciated my encouragement and excitement, but I know some really did...and that made me happy!! At the end of the run I rounded into the last little bit doing my I'm still running run, when all of a sudden someone was right beside me. I looked at her and said "Let's do this" and we sprinted to the end. It's way more fun to watch a sprint to the end. Well as we were sprinting all out the announcer says "two Athena's battling it out for possible 1st place " turns out it was for 3rd place. I had no idea I was racing my competition. However she was so nice and it was fun to sprint to the end. 3.14 mile RUN TIME 34:35
After the race I cheered on D who came in after me. I hung out with the girls. I watched my friend get her award for 2nd place. It was nice to just hang for a bit!

Jenn and I posing after I finished.
My Rock Star friend getting 2nd place, and the girl that edged me out on the far right!
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